Panhandle Special Needs Inc. - Campus Programming & Concept Design

Sandpoint, Idaho  / Campus Concept & Programming / In-Progress

North Root Architecture has been working with Panhandle Special Needs Inc. since 2022 to develop a future campus concept for this community asset to develop and grow into.  Starting with staff interviews and programming workshops, we developed a plan for growth, which was marked by the purchase of a new property, an integral step along the way.

As the only facility of its nature within the northern two counties of Idaho, the campus concept is to create a fully accessible community hub for adults with disabilities and integrate their day to day lives within Sandpoint and the surrounding area.

Architectural goals are to incorporate natural lighting, provide a low-cost operational design, create a variety of spaces types for those with varying and sensitive sensorial-spatial needs.  The facility provides internal and public facing services to better integrate clients within the community.

Read more below:

Future Home of PSNI